SpArk, the new innovation cluster dedicated to movement science and technology

On Thursday May 19, 2022, the new center of excellence in movement science and technology opened its doors to innovation in health, sport and performance. The fruit of collaboration between the City of Sion and The Ark Foundation, Spark aims to harness the potential of digitalization in health, sport and performance. The new cluster aims to be a driving force for economic development in these fields, promoting collaboration and networking between the best regional, national and international skills.

A new player in the S.M.A.R.T. ecosystem. Confluence

SpArk aims to bring together the best expertise in the field of movement science and technology. One of the strengths of this competence cluster is based on 4 pillars: medicine and sport, movement sciences, technological innovation, industrialization and start-ups. “The SpArk project is intended to be a driving force for economic development, mainly in the field of sport, performance and health. The vision is to bring together different areas of expertise under the same roof in order to create, innovate and, above all, move towards the digitalization of movement,” explains Patrick Flaction, SpArk project manager.

Initially, SpArk will be based in the Rue de l’Industrie 13 building. The center of excellence will then move to the heart of Sion’s Campus Pôle Santé by 2025, alongside the EPFL, the Haute Ecole de Santé and the Ark Foundation.

SpArk will enrich the S.M.A.R.T. ecosystem. Confluence ecosystem with its excellence and expertise, mainly in the field of movement sciences in Valais. Innovation in sport and performance will be at the heart of its activities.

The digitalization of movement as SpArk’s guiding principle

The missions of this new innovation cluster revolve around three main axes:

  1. Encouraging the potential of digitization by supporting digital transformation in sport
  2. Develop concrete projects linked to health, sport, performance and digitalization
  3. Be a driving force behind the economic development of sport and healthcare.

Since its launch, SpArk has already welcomed a number of innovative nuggets, including Loxy, Commotions, O2Score, SpArk Data Hub+ and T-training. The development of new projects and digitalization will be at the heart of SpArk’s missions in the years to come.

Genuine support from the town of Sion

“The City of Sion supports SpArk, because this project is fully in line with our strategic intent. Sion wants to develop by focusing on innovation in the fields of the environment, energy, sport and health,” explains Philippe Varone, President of Sion and Chairman of SpArk Sport & Performance SA.

from left to right :
Jean-Albert Ferrez, President of The Ark Foundation; Philippe Varone, President of the City of Sion and SpArk Sport & Performance SA; Grégoire Millet, Scientific Expert; Patrick Flaction, SpArk Project Manager.

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